Why Dionysus Productions?


With direct connections to the Philadelphia Acting Studio, multiple directors, production companies, free-lancers and in-house actors, we have the ability, experience and artistic eye to match any project with the right talent. Casting itself really relies on the producer or director being able to identify the key aspects of a character within an outside body.  This concept takes time, patience, and connections.  We have all three..


Location Scouting

Often times, productions and video shoots have an assortment of locations for scenes.  However, every location is unique, and in order to ensure a smooth, seamless and cost efficient production, it is vital that each location be properly scouted for lighting, audio efficiency, and external factors such as crowd control, local sounds, and construction zones.  We offer full location scouting servicing, in which we drive to your designated shoot locations and run tests to optimize for lighting, audio and movement.  We take videos and pictures of the location and send them to you so that you know every relevant locational factor before beginning production.


Need a Location?